| 1. | The male adults mature earlier than the female adults 雄性磷虾较雌性磷虾成熟得早。 |
| 2. | The male adults can fly higher and faster than females 雄蝶飞翔能力强,飞翔高而快。 |
| 3. | Mature male adults have hump at their heads 成熟雄鱼前额隆起。 |
| 4. | Study on personality disorder and coping style among male adult criminals 成年男性罪犯的人格障碍及应对方式 |
| 5. | The kummerbund , hip circle and weight of male adults were trending up with the increase of age 惠州市男性腰臀比及男性城市非体力劳动者的体重、体重指数有随年龄增大的趋势。 |
| 6. | Male adults fly in late may and females emerge in early june . the adults are seldom found in late july 雄成虫5月下旬出现,雌成虫6月初出现, 6月为盛期, 7月下旬成虫少见。 |
| 7. | The first benchmark survey of this ongoing series of surveillance studied 1 , 250 chinese male adults of age 18 to 60 in hong kong during july and august of 1998 研究计划的首个调查在去年七月至八月间进行,共成功访问了1 , 250名年龄由十八岁至六十岁的男性。 |
| 8. | One ' s body can ' t be collided by others , including children , especially little girls . a collision or embrace by a male adult may be doubted as an obscene attempt 别人不能随便碰撞自己的身体,儿童往往也不例外,尤其是女童,如果遇到男性成年人碰触或拥抱往往会怀疑男子有猥亵的企图。 |
| 9. | Objective : this empirical study was undertaken three to six months after the 921 chi - chi earthquake to evaluate the difference of psychosocial reactions to traumatic event between female and male adult survivors 摘要目的:本文以研究者长期参与灾后心理重建的田野观察纪录、实徵资料?集,以及既有文献的交叉比较,尝试勾勒九二一震灾后三至六个月问,不同性别受创者的心理社会反应经验。 |